Access to Justice Program

The Access to Justice Program was launched in February 2015.  


The Access to Justice Program was adopted by the Law Society membership during its 2014 AGM. This Program is committed to building connections and using a collaborative approach to better respond to the legal needs and interests of all Nunavummiut.

Main Projects 

Gender Based Violence Prevention
Funded by the Government of Nunavut

This project aims to raise awareness and provide public legal education on gender based violence (GBV) prevention as a key policy action to reduce and prevent GBV.

  • Access to Justice Website Launch
    Launched in October 2024, our new A2J website, Uqaqatigiinniq, will feature information on past and current A2J projects, a library of our public legal information resources, and an interactive database of community contacts as part of our Resource Handbook project. The website reinforces the important message that all Nunavummiut, whether at home or at work, have the right to live free from violence, abuse, harassment, and discrimination.

    Visit our new A2J website to browse our library of public legal education and information resources.

  • Resource HandbookCollaborating with key partners and stakeholders, the Law Society of Nunavut has taken the lead on facilitating the creation of a “Resource Handbook”. This tool aims to facilitate change within the justice system to address GBV by establishing and maintaining open lines of communication between multi-level service providers.

    Currently, we have published our Ottawa and Montreal handbooks, with launches for Nunavut, Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton, and Yellowknife to take place in the fall of 2025.
  • A2J Community Visits: In 2024, the LSN and our partners engaged over 1,000 Nunavummiut, providing PLEI workshops, legal advice, youth-focused activities, and mock trials in the communities of Rankin Inlet, Baker Lake, Cambridge Bay, Gjoa Haven, Pond Inlet, and Arctic Bay.

Family Violence Prevention
Funded by the Government of Nunavut

  • The Family Abuse Support Program Toolkit and Training: As an extension of the LSN’s FAIA research study and awareness campaign, this initiative aims to create a web-based training platform featuring relevant content, resources, presentations, and curricula for both professionals and the public on the topic of family violence prevention. Topics covered in the training include: Safety planning, emergency protection orders, community intervention orders, stalking, and Elder abuse.

The toolkit will launch in Spring 2025 with in-person trainings held in Iqaluit and Rankin Inlet.

Pro Bono (including approved Access to Justice projects)

Since December 4, 2014,  all non-insured members under the Law Society’s group insurance contract are covered for the purposes of work performed pro bono under the Access to Justice Program originally adopted at the 2014-2015 Annual General Meeting.

  • Read the adopted Rules amendment
  • Read the original resolution
  • Approved under the Access to Justice Programs:  
    • Access to Justice for Family Violence in Nunavut: A Research Project & Awareness Campaign 
    • Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Harassment in the Workplace
    • November 26, 2020 - New approved activity to support not-for-profit corporations and societies; Learn more and get involved! 
      • Memo and resolution: InuktitutEnglish
      • PD training materials delivered on December 3, 2020 are available here.


Many thanks to all of the organizations (non-governmental and governmental), law society members and their employers and staff who support our access to justice efforts. It is because of their dedication and willingness to share information and expertise that we are able to take this next important step. A special recognition to the many law students who during these past years have made significant contributions to keep this program  moving forward.