Insurance Coverage

June 2024  Information Letter for Insured Members 

The Law Society of Nunavut is a subscriber to the Canadian Lawyers Insurance Association (CLIA).

Members of the Law Society who require insurance including the Mandatory Liability Program for Errors & Omissions ($1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 in the annual aggregate) and Voluntary Excess Program, should contact the office.

Please note that the annual insurance coverage period begins on July 1 until June 30 and that prorating is only permitted going in.

If you no longer require insurance, please complete the insurance exemption form and send to Adel De Belen:     

All active members covered through CLIA, are also benefiting from cyber risk insurance coverage.

Filing a Claim Report

In Nunavut, all claims for errors and omissions are handled through the Canadian Lawyers Insurance Association (CLIA).  All insured lawyers in Nunavut are required to report to CLIA as soon as possible after learning of a claim or becoming aware of circumstances that might give rise to a claim. The policy is a 'claims made' policy, meaning lawyers must report all claims or potential claims during the policy period.

To discuss a claim or potential claim, please contact Cathy Nyhus, Claims Administrator, at (306) 347-3054 or at

If you cannot reach Cathy, please contact Dave Jackson, CEO at (306) 347-3056, or at

To report a potential claim, use the Insurance Claim Report Form supplied by CLIA. Send your completed form by email to Cathy or Dave.  You can also courier your claim to CLIA at:

Canadian Lawyers Insurance Association
Suite 1530, 2002 Victoria Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan, S4P 0R7

A copy of your report must also be filed with the Law Society of Nunavut.

NOTE: If you carry excess insurance coverage over the $1,000,000 mandatory coverage, you should consult the excess coverage policy regarding the required procedures. A report to CLIA may not satisfy the reporting requirements of the excess coverage policy unless that excess coverage is also through CLIA.

Advising the Client

If they are not aware already, it is important to advise your client of the situation. Explain the problem to the client in person and in the presence of a witness. Identify in what way you may have harmed him or her and why. Stick to the facts and their significance. Advise that the client gets independent legal advice about the situation and confirms this advice in writing.

It is important, at this stage, that you do not admit liability and do not mention insurance.

Opening a File

You should open a separate file for correspondence on this subject with CLIA or the solicitor appointed to act for you. If you turn over papers to your former client or his/her solicitor, keep copies of ALL such documents for the use of CLIA or the solicitor appointed to act for you.

Acknowledgement -  Thank you to the Law Society of Northwest Territories for allowing us to refer to their website content.