2025 Membership Renewals


The 2025 Membership renewal period is now open 

  • Notice with instructions in EN; and IK. 

  • Instructions are also available here including if you are changing your status or resigning. 

  • Personalized invoice or receipt? info@lawsociety.nu.ca
    • Active with no trust account: Total $2,441.25. | Invoice 
    • Active with a trust account: Total $2,336.25 | Invoice 
    • Inactive: Total $682.50Invoice 


  • Reminders:

    • PAYMENT - You have an obligation to ensure you or your employer has provided payment to the LSN by January 31 2025.   
    • CLE HOURS - Please limit your reporting to 12 hours. 
    • CONTACT DETAILS -You have an obligation to update your contact and professional information.