Articling and Bar Admissions Committee (New)

The Articling and Bar Admissions Committee (ABA) is to be composed  of five appointed members, with at least three of whom must be resident in Nunavut.

The minimum composition has yet to be met. The work will commence shortly with the establishment of a working group composed of four resident members until further appointments can be made after the upcoming call for 2024-25 volunteers.     

The Terms of Reference provide further details on the composition, commitment and responsabilities.

Mandate of the Committee:

  • To support the ongoing review, oversight and support of the overall articling and bar admissions process in Nunavut.
  • To oversee the overall articling and bar admissions process in Nunavut to ensure students-at-law admitted as such are best positioned to succeed in becoming a practicing lawyer in the Territory.
  • To report annually at the AGM and make recommendations to the Executive Committee about articles of clerkship, the bar admission course, bar admission examination and any special examinations as required under subsections 8(b), 8 (c), 16(1) and 18(2) of the Legal Profession Act.