Continuing Legal Education (CLE)
Join us for the Lunch and Learn Series
Who? Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
MCS is a recognized, debilitating, medical disability triggered through sensitization from exposures to chemicals commonly found in products. In Canada, over 1.13 million people have a diagnosis of MCS, 72% of whom are women, and close to 50% are over the age of 55. In Manitoba alone, 38,300 people have been medically diagnosed, representing 3.5 % of the population. Of this number, 32,000 are women, representing 5.8% of the female population or 84% of the diagnosed cases in MB, and 6,300 are men representing 1.2% of the male population or 16% of the diagnosed cases in MB. (CCHS, Statistics Canada, 2020).
Despite its growing prevalence, it's essential to acknowledge that MCS remains an orphan condition, highlighting its neglected or marginalized status in terms of medical research and support.
One of the primary goals of the ECRoB project is to enhance capacity and inclusivity by educating individuals with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) about their rights. Additionally, the project aims to improve their access to legal assistance and other resources to effectively manage their disability.
What? Accessible Justice and Human Rights for Persons with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)'
The Workshop
The workshop on MCS will deliver a presentation on specific human rights related issues of people with the disability of MCS. This event reflects the ongoing efforts to become a better, more accessible, and more inclusive society and offers the possibility to discuss medical and legal aspects related to access to justice, and advancing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility within the legal and medical profession.
Given the increasing prevalence of MCS and the barriers people with MCS experience accessing legal and medical support, this event is for all legal, medical, and other professionals to assist in removing barriers, providing appropriate support, and improving accessibility and inclusion to the built environment, justice, and human rights.
The Manitoba event reflects ongoing efforts to become a better, more accessible, and inclusive society and offers the opportunity to discuss legal aspects related to access to justice and to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion within the legal profession. The presentation will cover both the medical and legal aspects of MCS, including the lived experience of the health condition and human rights specific to Saskatchewan.
The project’s first partnership with a regulating body of legal practitioners began with the Law Society of Ontario in delivering an event on May 31st, 2023 titled: National AccessAbility Week 2023. The recording of that program is available here: Law Society of Ontario – ARCH Archived Webcast. The event reached over 1000 participants including legal professionals.
When? Thursday, September 19, 2024 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM CDT
How? Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0vdO2urT4sH9zv2S2LLqG6-EHcahxFN1md
Agenda: https://aseq-ehaq.ca/pdf/AGENDA_MB.pdf
Speakers: https://aseq-ehaq.ca/pdf/Speakers_bio-EN-MB.pdf
Web page for more information: https://aseq-ehaq.ca/en/canada-legal-workshops-mcs/
This program will be shared by the Law Society of Manitoba with the Manitoba Bar Association and the Faculty of Law at the University of Manitoba.
The Environmental Health Association of Canada (EHAC), the Environmental Health Association of Quebec (EHAQ), in partnership with the ARCH Disability Law Centre, Manitoba League for People with Disabilities, the Council of Canadians with Disabilities, NB Lung, Indigenous Disability Canada/British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society (BCANDS), Spinal Cord Injury Canada, and La Confédération des organismes de personnes handicapées du Québec (COPHAN), invite lawyers, health professionals, law students, academicians, law and medical research students scholars, NGO workers, advocates and legal aid clinics to participate in this very informative workshop on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) titled 'Accessible justice and human rights for persons with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity'.
Recognized CLE hours: 1 hour of Professional Responsibility & Ethics or Live Programs / Courses or On-Demand Programs / Courses