Canadian Lawyers Insurance Association Board Vacancies


CLIA’s Nominating Committee is seeking candidates for two volunteer board positions opening July 1, 2025.

  • What is CLIA? 

    • The Canadian Lawyers Insurance Association (CLIA) is a reciprocal insurance exchange providing professional liability insurance to lawyers in nine Canadian provinces and territories with its head office in Regina, Saskatchewan.

      • For more information on CLIA, please see the following link:
  •  What is the term? 

    • Each term is for three years and directors can serve a maximum of three terms.
    • CLIA’s Nominating Committee is seeking candidates for two volunteer board positions opening July 1, 2025.These two vacancies arise as a result of two of the current directors reaching the end of their third three-year term.
    • CLIA’s Board is a small and engaged group of seven people with varied experience, all of whom are committed to employing good governance principles. 
  • What are the preferred skills?   

    • Candidates do not need to be lawyers but should have some of the skills identified in the Skills Matrix. Experience with financial, investment, actuarial and/or audit functions would be an especially valued asset.
  • What is the time commitment and number of meetings ?  

    • The Board meets in person in a central location (usually Toronto) approximately six (6) times annually. The CLIA Board is reimbursed for economy travel, the cost of a hotel and other expenses but does not receive an honorarium.
  • How and what to submit?  

    • If interested, please submit a cover letter, your resume and the skills matrix on or before March 31, 2025 to the attention of Nominating Committee at