Sources of Law

The Nunavut Statutes Examination tests general knowledge of the following sources of law:

  • Aboriginal Custom Adoption Recognition Act
  • Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act
  • Adoption Act
  • Apologies Act, Legal Treatment of
  • Business Corporations Act
  • Cannabis Act
  • Child and Family Services Act
  • Children's Law Act
  • Cities, Towns and Villages Act
  • Code of Professional Conduct
  • Conflict of Interest Act
  • Consumer Protection Act
  • Corrections Act
  • Creditors Relief Act
  • Department of Justice Act
  • Environmental Protection Act
  • Evidence Act
  • Family Abuse Intervention Act
  • Family Law Act
  • Family Support Orders Enforcement Act
  • Financial Administration Act
  • Guardianship and Trusteeship Act
  • Hamlets Act
  • Human Rights Act
  • Insurance Act
  • Inuit Language Protection Act
  • Judicature Act
  • Jury Act
  • Justices of the Peace Act
  • Labour Standards Act
  • Land Titles Act
  • Legal Profession Act
  • Legal Services Act
  • Limitation of Actions Act
  • Liquor Act
  • Marriage Act
  • Mechanics Lien Act
  • Mental Health Act
  • Nunavummi Nangminiqaqtunik Ikajuuti Implementation Act
  • Nunavut Act
  • Nunavut Court of Justice, Civil Rules
  • Nunavut Court of Justice, Criminal Rules
  • Nunavut Court of Justice, Divorce Rules
  • Nunavut Agreement
  • Official Languages Act
  • Partnership Act
  • Personal Property Security Act
  • Powers of Attorney Act
  • Public Health Act
  • Public Service Act
  • Public Trustee Act
  • Representative for Children and Youth Act
  • Residential Tenancies Act
  • Rules of the Court of Appeal Respecting Civil Appeals (Nunavut)
  • Rules of the Court of Appeal Respecting Criminal Appeals (Nunavut)
  • Rules of the Law Society of Nunavut
  • Safety Act
  • Seizures Act
  • Societies Act
  • Summary Conviction Procedures Act
  • Traffic Safety Act
  • Unlawful Property Forfeiture
  • Victims of Crime Act
  • Wildlife Act
  • Workers' Compensation Act
  • Young Offenders Act

Government of Nunavut - Nunavut Legislation:
Nunavut Court of Justice: