Fees Chart

Type of Membership

New Membership - New RAC 


Membership Reactivation

  • Regular Active Membership
  • CLA Certificate
  • RAC Certificate
  • Student Application For Active Membership 

Application fee $200.00
Admission fee $2,100.00
Assurance levy $125.00
Subtotal $2,425.00
GST (5%) $121.25
Total $2,546.25

If no trust account is maintained in Nunavut, add $105 ($100.00 + $5.00 GST), for a total of $2,651.25.

Annual renewal fee $2,100.00
Assurance levy $125.00
Subtotal $2,225.00
GST (5%) $111.25
Total $2,336.25

If no trust account is maintained in Nunavut, add $105 ($100.00 + $5.00 GST), for a total of $2,441.25.

Not applicable

  • Combined RAC and Regular Active Membership
  • Combined RAC and CLA active

Application fee $400.00
Admission fee $2,100.00
Assurance levy $125.00
Subtotal $2,625.00
GST (5%) $131.25
Total $2,756.25

If no trust account is maintained in Nunavut, add $105 ($100.00 + $5.00 GST), for a total of $2,861.25.

Not applicable

Not applicable

  • Regular Inactive Membership
  • Student Application For Inactive Membership

Application fee $200.00
Admission fee $550.00
Trust account levy $100.00
Subtotal (5%) $850.00
GST $42.50
Total $892.50

Annual fee $550.00
Trust account levy $100.00
Subtotal $650.00
GST (5%) $32.50
Total $682.50

Status upgrade fee $1550.00

Application fee $200.00

Assurance levy $125.00

Subtotal $1,875.00

GST (5%) $93.75

Total $1,968.75



Of a member who resigned in good standing

Application fee $200.00
Admission fee $2,100.00
Assurance levy $125.00
Subtotal $2,425.00
GST (5%) $121.25
Total $2,546.25

Of a suspended member

For every year, or part of a year that the member is suspended:

125$ plus 5% GST = $131.25